A Number Of Typhoons Are Featured Below. Choose One And Investigate The Details Of The Tragedy It Caused. Make A Case Study On The Severity Of The Dam

A number of typhoons are featured below. Choose one and investigate the details of the tragedy it caused. Make a case study on the severity of the damage and find out its reasons. Show evidence of your research.

A number of typhoons are featured below. Choose one and investigate the details of the tragedy it caused. Make a case study on the severity of the damage and find out its reasons. Show evidence of your research.

Super Typhoon Yolanda

The Super Typhoon Yolanda has an international name of Typhoon Haiyan. Typhoon Yolanda got a signal number 4. It has an equivalent severity of a category 5 hurricane. Its severity is caused by the climate change. The climate change makes the sea warmer. It brings stronger winds and heavier rainfall.

Learn more:

What is a super typhoon?




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