If an actor engages in a relationship with her husband, in another relationship with her family and in a third relationship with her village, does that make her a member of three cultures? Answer: Yes, because culture affects our personal habits and preferences. Explanation: But before anything else, let us first define what culture is. Put in mind that culture is as complex as the universe, with many different definitions, and explanations. Most of us would think that culture is about food, clothing, language, and/or celebration that are shared by a specific group, however these are only some of its elements. Culture goes far beyond that. We could simply put, "culture" as a group or community with a shared common experiences and beliefs that shape the way people understand the world around them. It includes groups that we are born into, such as gender, race, national origin, class, religion, etc. Like most things that make us who we are, the development of our cultu...
"Budoy, a junior high school student, lifts a 3 kg book from the floor into a cabinet 2.0 m high. With reference to the floor, how much potential energy does the book acquire? a. 5.88 J b. 58.88 J c. 588.88 J d. 5888.88 J " Answer: The 3 kg books that Budoy lifts 2.0 m above the ground will have a potential energy of b. 58.88 J Review: Before enything else, we need to clarify the concpet of potential energy. Explaining it will make things more easier and easily understood. Potential energy is the energy that an object possess within it, which is defined by its mass, distance from a relative mass or point of reference, and gravitational force. Know that we know its definition, we know understand that your potential energy may differ on the point of reference you are using. Example, if you are on the rooftop of a 7-storey apartment, your potential energy will vary from each floor. Your potential energy from the rooftop in reference to the 5th floor will be di...
Describe how water is distributed on earth. Answer: Distribution of Water on Earth 3% - fresh water 97% - ocean Explanation: The water is unevenly distributed around the world. This is the only substance that is present in 3 States of Matter. In Solid, snow or ice; Liquid the Water itself and in Gas, Water Vapor. Water Molecules can cycle almost anywhere on Earth because of its unique properties. Water Cycle The movement of water around Earths surface is called Hydrologic Cycle. The water on Earth is stored hundreds of thousand years in the oceans. To become water Vapor, water changes from liquid to gas through evaporation. The Sun provide energy to evaporate water from oceans, steam, lakes, or even puddles on the land. The water Vapor will stay in the atmosphere until condensation take place to become tiny droplets of liquid. The droplets now will gathered in clouds and blown by wind around the world. As the droplets grow and collide in the cloud, Parcipitation take place as ...
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