"Budoy, A Junior High School Student, Lifts A 3 Kg Book From The Floor Into A Cabinet 2.0 M High. With Reference To The Floor, How Much Potential Ener

"Budoy, a junior high school student, lifts a 3 kg book from the floor into a cabinet 2.0 m high. With reference to the floor, how much potential energy does the book acquire?

a. 5.88 J
b. 58.88 J
c. 588.88 J
d. 5888.88 J


The 3 kg books that Budoy lifts 2.0 m above the ground will have a potential energy of b. 58.88 J


Before enything else, we need to clarify the concpet of potential energy. Explaining it will make things more easier and easily understood. Potential energy is the energy that an object possess within it, which is defined by its mass, distance from a relative mass or point of reference, and gravitational force. Know that we know its definition, we know understand that your potential energy may differ on the point of reference you are using. Example, if you are on the rooftop of a 7-storey apartment, your potential energy will vary from each floor. Your potential energy from the rooftop in reference to the 5th floor will be different from your potential energy if your reference is the 2nd floor.

The formula for the potential energy isPE = mgh

To visualize the definition of its formula, let us be imaginative and explore more about potential energy. A child on the ground has 0 J potential energy in reference to the ground. He climbs the mango tree so he now has an increased potential energy. When he picked mangoes right of the branches, his weight increases. Assuming that the kid and the mango as 1 entity, theyll have a mass greater than the kids alone. This results to a larger potential energy.

Why? Potential energy is directly proportional to the mass, gravitational pull, and height of an object. If one variable goes up, the potential energy increases; given that the heigh is greater than 0.


We will answer the problem in GRESA (Given, Required, Equation, Solution, Answer) format to easily catch up to the step-by-step procedures.


Budoy, a junior high school student, lifts a 3 kg book from the floor into a cabinet 2.0 m high. With reference to the floor, how much potential energy does the book acquire?


m = 3 kg

g = 9.8m/s^2

h = 2.0 m


PE = ?


PE = mgh


Insert all of the given constant to its designated variable in the formula.

PE=mgh\\\\PE=(3kg)(9.8m/s^2)(2.0m)\\\\PE = (3kg)(19.6m^2/s^2)\\\\PE=58.88J



The potential energy of the 3 kg books that Budoy lifted at 2.0 m is 58.88 J.

Internal links you may visit to help you out regarding kinetic energy and potential energy:






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