If An Actor Engages In A Relationship With Her Husband, In Another Relationship With Her Family And In A Third Relationship With Her Village, Does Tha

If an actor engages in a relationship with her husband, in another relationship with her family and in a third relationship with her village, does that make her a member of three cultures?


Yes, because culture affects our personal habits and preferences.


But before anything else, let us first define what culture is. Put in mind that culture is as complex as the universe, with many different definitions, and explanations. Most of us would think that culture is about food, clothing, language, and/or celebration that are shared by a specific group, however these are only some of its elements. Culture goes far beyond that. We could simply put, "culture" as a group or community with a shared common experiences and beliefs that shape the way people understand the world around them. It includes groups that we are born into, such as gender, race, national origin, class, religion, etc.  Like most things that make us who we are, the development of our cultural identity is an ongoing process.

Back to the question that if an actor engages in a relationship with her husband's family and the extended families, does it make her being part of the family's culture? And the answer is, yes. Since she has been exposed to different sets of beliefs and values of the family, she may adopt its cultural beliefs that she was not part of the original makeup. That being said, our cultural identity is an ongoing process. It means that our cultural identities will also develop based on the influence of these memberships just like marriage. In this way, the culture of her husband's family will probably have expectations upon how the couple should act and think towards each other, making it more dynamic and complex.  

So as a tip for those who are planning to enter marriage, try to educate first about the culture of your potential spouse. Many of us move between groups or proceeds marriage without realizing or understanding the diversity of culture the world have. This often leads to marital problems. Regardless of where the couple decides to live, though, each person will must adjust and behave based on its cultural upbringing. This will most probably help ease the transition. And as you reflect on and discuss these experiences together, this will eliminate assumptions, and can often make you union stronger and more resilient.

Thus, no matter where we come from or what culture we call our own, it's always wise to seek cultural understanding of your potential spouse. Always remember that we are just a complex mix of many cultural influences woven together.


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